History looks set to repeat itself as the country's lawyers have decided to their separate ways, in a move reminiscent of their past divisions.
About 5,000 lawyers gave up their membership to the Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi) and established a new bar association called the Congress of Indonesian Advocates (KAI).
In their first congress here Friday, founders of the new association said it was a legitimate organization for representing their members and had the right to grant practicing certificates.
" Based on the 2003 advocate law, it's not true we can't practice without joining Peradi. In fact, we are insisting that all advocate organizations other than KAI are illegal, " KAI commitee member Luthfi Yazid told after the one day meeting.
He said at least 10,000 of the nation's 15,000 lawyers would return their membership cards to Peradi and sign up as KAI members by monday next week.
Among the noted lawyers that championed the establishment of the new bar association are presidential advisor Adnan Buyung Nasution, Teguh Samudera, Indra Sahnun Lubis, Ibrahim Hasibuan, Roberto Hutagalung, Jimmy Budiarjo and Suhardi Somomuljono.
President SUsilo Bambang Yudhoyono was initially slated to open the congress but canceled due to illness. Peradi executives had earlier written to the president, asking him to skip the KAI congress.
In a direct election, the lawyers voted Indra Sahnun Lubis the association's president and Roberto Hutagalung the secretary - general. They will form a complete organization structure within a month. Buyung was appointed honorary chairman.
Peradi amalgamated eight bar association in 2005, and since then has been recognized as the government - sanctioned group for advocates.
The Constiutional Court in 2006 rejected a judicial review of the law on advocates and unheld Peradi's status as an organization for Indonesian lawyers.
The court ruling did not say Peradi was the only sanctioned bar association, but court chief Jimly Asshidiqqie has interpreted it thus.
But some senior lawyers said Peradi was illegitimate because it was established without a congress and it's executives were not elected in accordance with international practice.
Peradi attracted criticism recently for dismissing noted lawyer Todung Mulya Lubis after finding him guilty of a conflict of interest.
Most recently a Peradi executive filed a defamation lawsuit against Buyung.
Buyung said in his opening speech President absence from the congress would not affect it's legitimacy.
" I hope this congress will create the only legitimate advocates organization in Indonesia, " he said.
In his statement, Buyung said KAI was the only legitimate organization for advocates in Indonesia and demanded Peradi and other advocate organizations be dissolved within one year.
Senior lawyer Frans Hendra Winarta expressed his concern over the division of the advocate organization, saying it would weaken the monitoring of Indonesian lawyers in implementing their code of ethics.
" It will confuse the public about which is the legitimate organization. I believe the split will adversely affect the protection of clients, " he said.
Frans called on Peradi and KAI to meet to discuss ways to consolidate.



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